July 31, 2009

Part IV

The time has come to move along
Moving forward is moving on
When Africa starts to sing you her song
You'll never stay away for long
It felt right to stay, but she knew it was wrong
So one day she came, and then she was gone.

Her story begins back at the start
Her journey postponed with a break in the heart
But her life was moving sure and steady
She thought when storms came she'd be ready
But one day she looked up and something was wrong
She lost her self, her strength, her song
She knew not to where, but she was gone.

She had a mission and didn't stop
She knew exactly what she'd have to drop
To make some room for something more
Something with backbone, honesty, core
She booked the flight and plans were drawn
Mustered up courage to be life's pawn
And then, one day, she was gone.

She discovered others and then found herself
Wounded and blind and in bad health
Then she slept in the cradle of humankind
Found inner strength and peace of mind
Drying others' tears stopped her own
Changed the paradigm of all she'd known
Found things she realized she had all along
And then, one day, her pain was gone.

She knew her time had come to leave
Lessons learned and granted reprieve
Packed her bags to carry on
Bid her liberation adieu, so long
Armed with her transformation of brawn
She switched the lights, curtains were drawn
And then, once again...she was gone.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

sending you hugs and love.